Staying Well this Winter
Many, otherwise well, people can pick up minor illnesses over the winter period. There are a few things you can do to prepare and alleviate certain issues:
It’s really important to look after yourself and to give your immune system the best chance, so stay hydrated and active and get those important vaccines if eligible.
Keep your medicine cabinet stocked with things to help, like pain relief and cough syrup
You can help others by practicing good hand hygiene and catching coughs and sneezes in your elbow or a tissue – and disposing of it in the bin.
Cleaning surfaces and children’s toys regularly can also help limit the spread of any harmful viruses
You can get help and advice from:
NHS 111 – go to or call 111 if you have an urgent medical problem and you are not sure what to do
A Pharmacy – pharmacists can give treatment advice for a range of minor illnesses and can tell you if you need to see a doctor
To help tackle the rise in illness, we do advise if you have any respiratory illness to wear a face mask whilst attending the Practice for an appointment.

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