Our Doctors
Dr D Jarvis (Male)
MBChB (Manchester 1989), MRCGP
Dr J Chapman (Male)
MBChB (Sheffield 1994), DRCOG MRCGP
Dr P Harrisson (Female)
MBChB, MSc Sport & Exercise Medicine (1991)
Dr H Effingham (Female)
BMedSci (Nottingham 1994), BMBS (Nottingham 1996), DRCOG DFFP MRCGP DPD
Dr N Craig (Male)
MBChB (Sheffield 2001), MRCGP MBCHB BSc (Hons)
Dr R Ilett (Female)
MBChB (Dundee 1999), DRCOG MRCGP (2008) DFFP
Dr S Hussain (Female)
MBBch (Ireland 1999), DRCOG MRCGP
Dr A Baldwin (Female)
Dr C Milkhu (Male)
MBBS, BSc(Hons) (London 2006), MRCGP, MRCS, PGDip Clin Ed
Dr Richard Davey (Male)
MB BS (London) 1994
Dr K Horridge (Female)
MBBS MRes (Dist), MRCGP, PG Dip Clinical Research (Merit), DRCOG, DFSRH, DCH, DGM
GP Registrars
Kingfisher Family Practice is a training practice and from time to time the team will be joined by a fully qualified doctor undertaking supervised training to become a fully registered General Medical Practitioner. The training may involve video recording of consultations (for later discussions with the trainer).
If at any time you are uncomfortable with this, please notify a Receptionist so that we can fully respect your wishes. We will obtain your consent prior to, and after, any video consultation. If you have any reservations afterwards, we will erase the video record.
Our Nursing Team
Nurses & Healthcare Support
Shaun Melbourne
Clinical Team Lead/Physician’s Associate
Sheldron Woodcock
Practice Nurse
Jessica Snowball
Practice Nurse
Terri Potts
Practice Nurse
Eden Cowan
Practice Nurse
Alicia Gilfillan
Practice Nurse
Jess Ince
Brenda Heathershaw
Healthcare Support Worker
Laura Cowlard
Healthcare Support Worker
Janice Marsh
Healthcare Support Worker
Andy Duddles
Healthcare Support Worker
Their work is varied and includes general health screening, vaccinations, travel advice, ear syringing, dressings and injections, as well as specific clinics for asthma, diabetes and coronary heart disease.
Nursing In The Community
We have a well integrated team of District Nurses and Community Matrons who work closely with our Doctors to provide care at home when it is not possible for you to visit the surgery. We have daily contact with our Community colleagues to exchange information and concerns where necessary.
Health Visitors
Health Visitors (who are based at Retford Primary Care Centre) will give help and advice to our patients and can be contacted through the surgery. They are involved with the health of the community and, using their specialist skills, training and experience, will support all age groups, but especially children and their families and patients requiring pre- and postnatal advice.
Our Practice Team
Practice Management
The Partnership is led by a management team including a Practice Manager (Stacey Sutton), Managing Partner (Dr Nikolas Craig) and Assistant Practice Manager (Tracey Watson). We also have department Line Managers; Wendy Whitehead (Reception), Claire Cheetham (Admin Secretarial), and Shaun Melbourne (Clinical Team Lead). The team will be happy to discuss any non-medical problems/concerns and suggestions for improving the services we offer.
Practice Support
All clinical and management staff are supported by administration and secretarial teams who maintain the computerised patient records and deal with correspondence moving between doctors and hospital consultants as well as other routine administration needed to support the work of the surgery.
Our receptionists are fully trained and have a lot of information at their fingertips which could probably answer many of your queries. If you are unsure about the need to consult a doctor or nurse the reception staff will be able to offer advice. You can always speak to a receptionist in private – please ask and a room will be made available. In order to help obtain the best service they may sometimes need to judge the urgency of your request by asking questions.
All our staff are subject to the rules of confidentiality you would expect at a doctor’s surgery. A brief discussion will enable them to suggest the appropriate action or offer the most suitable appointment. In reception we have a mixture of full- and part-time staff to provide cover as required.